Welcome to the studio where your precious moments are captured

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Your Photoshoot

Each successfull photoshoot starts with a personal connection between yourself and I. From the time of your booking and through until the delivery of your photos.

It is a very important component in my opinion, considering I will be photoshooting your most precious newborn and/or your pregnancy as well.

Details and Information


Photo session

I offer both Newborn as well as Maternity photo sessions. Either booked together or separately, it’s up to you.

My style, as you can see in my gallery, is more towards the calm tones, minimalist composition, and centered on the baby itself. Too many props and the attention is drawn away from the baby.

My pricing structure is slightly different from most you might have seen in Switzerland. This is done on purpose and to keep the whole process clear, transparent, and simplified. Detailed information can be found on the pricing page.


I always reserve 4 hours per newborn starting around 9.30-10 in the morning. During that time they are still very sleepy which works great for our photography goals.

During the photoshoot, you are always near your baby. The temperature is kept at warm 24c to keep them cosy and tucked in.

We will go through different props and setups.


I always reserve 2 hours for the maternity photoshoot. It is also possible to include your child/children of course if you’d like.

Тhe exact time of the photoshoot depends on whether you are coming with your child/children or not. More information on it is under the FAQ.

We are photographing according to your pace and energy. There is absolutely no stress or rushing.

Photo Products

I believe the photographs should be printed in order for them to be fully enjoyed and appreciated. Imagine that cosy moment in the future, sitting with your grown-up child, holding that specially handmade album for you xx years ago. That warm feeling is what I’m referring to.

All the products I offer are made to order. The albums and photo boxes are handmade. The photo mats are made from acid-free, museum/archival grade quality materials. They come from professional printing labs in Italy and Australia. You will be able to see all that I offer, in my Studio, before making your decision and placing your order.

All that I offer will stay with you for your enjoyment for generations to come.

To see some of the examples, please go to my gallery.

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I was trained with the leading newborn photographer from the UK that puts the security and safety of the Newborn above everything else during the photoshoot.

The security of your most precious newborn is my top priority as well. There are just some poses that I never do as they compromise the wellbeing and the security of your baby.

Newborns get startled very easily, which might make them lose their balance in some poses. Some other poses are putting too much pressure on their bone structure that is not yet developed. It might look great on Instagram, but that doesn’t make it right.